Roger Dunsmore - Greatest Hits 1969 - 2006

This is an invitational, retrospective volume of twelve poems from forty years of writing, plus author's Introduction.

Roger Dunsmore Greatest Hits

Then there's that story about Coyote
losing his ass.  You know, the one where he
finds himself imprisoned inside a hollow
tree for stealing from his in-laws.
The only way he can figure to escape
is to take himself apart and push
each piece out through a knothole.
When he gets  all of himself outside
he puts himself back together again,
piece by piece, and takes off.
But a little ways down the road
he discovers that he's lost his ass,
must've misplaced it, left it out
when he put himself back together.
So he makes a new one out of pitch
or a pinecone or something,
but it doesn't work very well.
It leaks.  His insides won't stay
inside. And it itches.

There's more to the story for sure,
but young people always ask,
what does it mean this part
about Coyote losing his ass?
If you haven't lost your ass,
a time or two, I tell them,
you're probably not worth a damn:

that young woman
in the bright red coat
with laughing eyes
and my wife trying to
run me down
with the truck,
and the house and twenty
acres that went with her.